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Semantic Markup
What is Semantic Markup?
Semantic markup is used in HTMl in order to reinforce information on webpages. The markup is processed by web browsers to appeal and present to the human eye. So why use it? It allows search engines to correctly identify web page content. Essentially it’s a rule book that allows for unity between websites, making it easier on both the developer as well as the user.
Search Engine Optimization (SE0)
“SEO is the process of getting traffic from the ‘free,’ ‘organic,’ ‘editorial’ or ‘natural’ search results on search engines,” ( Every search engine has an algorithm that it uses in order to go through and manage all of the information on web pages. The goal of SEO is to match those algorithms and make it easier on the system in order to achieve an easier to find page.
Section-508 Accessibility
Section-508 is an act that requires federal agencies to establish, maintain, and use information and communication technology (ICT) that is accessible to people with disablitiles. ICT is any piece of tech that can create, convert, duplicate, or access information and data. When a website is properly created users that are blind or deaf will be able to use the website to it full extent
How They’re Related
All three are related in some way. When the foundation of websites, semantic markup, is used properly it greatly helps SEO because it allows the search engine to quickly see the content of the website, making it more attractive to the algorithm. Semantic markup can also help Section-508 because tools and equipment are able to read html as long as it follows the correct semantic markup, making websites available to everyone. Overall if a website has a strong foundation using semantic markup it’s going to benefit not only the creator, but the users as well.